Career Advice

How to start re-building your career when you’ve had to take a step back

It’s an unfortunate and all too common trend that’s been cropping up lately--people having to take a step back in their career and settle...

Narrowing The Gap – Getting Established (Or Ahead) In The O&G / Energy Industry

(Editors note: This post has been previously published in a few places, for example: here and here. Eric and I felt that the readers...

This Is What Working 28 Days in a Row Can Do

Certain jobs in the oil and gas industry require that persons work in rotational shifts of 28 days. That means being on site for...

Are college petrochemical engineering students making a good choice?

Bad timing for petrochemical engineering students? The dramatic fall of oil prices around the world shook the oil and gas industry raising questions whether petrochemical...

3 Ways That Being An Oil Worker Can Help You To Grow Stronger

Growing through our contribution to society... Striving to grow stronger in life is a noble cause. That said the desire to grow stronger in any...
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