Peter Aird

Peter Aird, with a remarkable 43-year journey in drilling leadership, well engineering, and consultation, is truly a formidable force in his industry. His proficiency is most evident in the execution of intricate well drilling projects. Since 1998, Peter has been instrumental in creating and facilitating over 100 drilling educational sessions and workshops, reaching to over 35 countries internationally.

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Offshore Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) Introduction to Offshore Managed Pressure Drilling

Day 1Introduction to MPDWhy MPD? (pressure and stability management)• Standard offshore well design revisited• What is effective pressure management?    - Pressure prediction techniques•...

HP-HT Drilling Operations Well Design, Engineering and Operations

Day 1 Introduction to HP-HT drilling operationsHP-HT definition, classification, challenges, essentialsand differences• Definitions, classifications, industry growth• Technical challenges and knowledge gaps• Origins and characteristics...

Introduction to Drilling for New Engineers and Non-Specialists

Day 11. E&P Drilling Industry• Drilling history and well life-cycles• Design, construct and engineer wells• Drilling well life-cycle video2. Petroleum Geology and Drilling Operations•...

Managing Lost Time (MLT)™

Day 1 Labelling Well ProblemsRegistration and Welcome (Coffee & Tea)Workshop purpose and introductions -Group exercise: Establish individual goals & objectives1.1 Optimising (loss control) within well...
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