Jason Lavis

Serial Energy Entrepreneur. Webmaster at Founder of Out of the Box Innovations Ltd. Co-Founder of Natural Resource Professionals Ltd. Traveller and Outdoorsman, Husband, Father. Technology/Internet Geek.

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Can i drill a well with 23″ bit by 3 1/2″ 15.5 PPF D/P for 20″ 1st csg up to 450 mtrs.

Introduction: The drillers knowledgebase is a questions and answers area for the drilling community to learn and share knowledge and experience. This particular question has...

How to start Career in drilling?

Introduction: The drillers knowledgebase is a questions and answers area for the drilling community to learn and share knowledge and experience. This particular question has...

Considerations in the generation of hydrocarbons

Introduction: The drillers knowledgebase is a questions and answers area for the drilling community to learn and share knowledge and experience. This particular question has...

Responsibilities of the Drilling Contractor Toolpusher

Introduction: The drillers knowledgebase is a questions and answers area for the drilling community to learn and share knowledge and experience. This particular question has...

What the most common method of perforating?

Introduction: The drillers knowledgebase is a questions and answers area for the drilling community to learn and share knowledge and experience. This particular question has...

Well Control Questions

Introduction: The drillers knowledgebase is a questions and answers area for the drilling community to learn and share knowledge and experience. This particular question has...
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