Responsibilities of the Drilling Contractor Toolpusher

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Jason Lavis
Jason Lavis
Serial Energy Entrepreneur. Webmaster at Founder of Out of the Box Innovations Ltd. Co-Founder of Natural Resource Professionals Ltd. Traveller and Outdoorsman, Husband, Father. Technology/Internet Geek.


The drillers knowledgebase is a questions and answers area for the drilling community to learn and share knowledge and experience. This particular question has been moved from the old website and the answers are displayed in the body of the article. If you have a further comment then feel free to add it in the comments section at the bottom of the page. If you want to ask a new question then there is a question entry box further down.


What does a drilling contractor toolpusher typically take responsibility for?

(Question asked by Susan Barrie)


The responsibilities of the Contractor Toolpusher include:


  • The operation of an effective Permit to Work system, either Company’s or Con­tractor’s.
  • The investigation of all recordable inci­dents, the enactment of measures to avoid recurrence, and the dissemination of pertinent information to all relevant personnel.
  • The quality of safety checks and inspec­tions carried out by his subordinates.
  • The chairing of weekly safety meetings.
  • The briefing of his subordinate supervi­sors and his office based management.
  • Liaison with the Drilling Supervisor on Health, Safety, and Environmental mat­ters.
  • Logging the implementation and effec­tiveness of safety related drills and exercises.
  • Implementing his company’s safety plans and procedures.

Other Responsibilities

  • Ensure that the drillstring tally is kept correct and up to date.
  • Maintain the rig and its equipment with a proper preventative maintenance pro­gramme.
  • Ensure that equipment deficiencies are sorted out in good time, and keep the Drilling Supervisor informed regarding the status of such deficiencies.

(Answered by Admin)

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  1. This article has helped me to understand the importance and responsibilities of drilling contractors.It interesting to learn that contractors make sure that drilling equipment is safe and up to date. I can imagine how important these contractors can be when it comes to avoiding violations by city officials.

  2. It’s interesting to read about what the contractor is in charge of when you hire them for a job. It makes sense that somebody like me, a homeowner with no drilling or excavation knowledge, wouldn’t have to get the permits, etc. to complete the work. I’ll have to remember this for when I need new utilities drilled because making sure the contractor takes care of these things could be very helpful.


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