Jason Lavis

Serial Energy Entrepreneur. Webmaster at Founder of Out of the Box Innovations Ltd. Co-Founder of Natural Resource Professionals Ltd. Traveller and Outdoorsman, Husband, Father. Technology/Internet Geek.

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API Casing Strengths – Work old

API Casing Strengths - Work NOTICE: Our Mathcad database got attacked and infected with a virus. Unfortunately, we've had to shut it down until further...

API Collapse Resistance – Tutorial old

API Collapse Resistance - Tutorial NOTICE: Our Mathcad database got attacked and infected with a virus. Unfortunately, we've had to shut it down until further...

API Collapse Resistance – Work OLD

API Collapse Resistance - WorkNOTICE: Our Mathcad database got attacked and infected with a virus. Unfortunately, we've had to shut it down until further...

Experts Old


We now encourage guest writers The ‘old’ was best known as a jobs board and the activity on the site mainly involved employers posting...

Is there a standard of wear limit of OD of tool joints of drillpipes?

Introduction: The drillers knowledgebase is a questions and answers area for the drilling community to learn and share knowledge and experience. This particular question has...
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