Knowledgebase Articles

Drilling operators, contractors and service companies

Here, we cover the distinctions between drilling operators, contractors and service companies. Considering the differences will help a drilling engineer decide where they might...

Quick Q&A regarding Dave Messler’s ACME Fluids Training Courses

Intro/Disclosure: Dave Messler is currently an advertiser with If you're reading this in the summer of 2017, you'll probably see one of those adverts...

Wellbore cleanups; the oilfield’s longest running drama

A wellbore cleanup roadmap... I have been involved in cleaning up oil and gas wells for over twenty years now, sometimes going from one to...

Formation Damage Tests

Evaluating a Formation Damage Test (FDT) can be a tricky business! Broadly the industry understands pretty well, I think, that fluids used to drill the...

What is a Turbodrill Application?

This is a question every Turbodrill expert gets asked by every customer on a daily basis. The answer can be simple; every application. This is the...
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