Managing Lost Time (MLT)™

This workshop offers action-packed discussions and exercises aimed at analysing, investigating, and evaluating hazards that contribute to lost time within well operations. You will learn how to optimise resources and avoid loss in key areas of well operations.




3-4 DAYS



Course Objective

The objectives of this workshop are to enable participants to recognise and analyse the true and evident extent of the physical 'loss and waste' that exists within well operations. Determine and evaluate what the benefits are by applying the 'knowledge and managing lost time' delivery approach. A primary objective is to change the way people approach challenges, using the MLT methods and metrics.

Learning Outcomes

Day 1

 Labelling Well Problems

  • Registration and Welcome (Coffee & Tea)
  • Workshop purpose and introductions -Group exercise: Establish individual goals & objectives
  • 1.1 Optimising (loss control) within well operations -Icebreaker, group discussion and exercise
  • 1.2 Well hazards, risks and ‘problem’ avoidance -Group exercise
  • Work group WG1: hazards and risks workgroup exercise -Labelling, prioritising problems, associating risks, begin to work mitigations
  • Close out -Debrief of Day 1



Day 3

How to operate loss/waste-free wells

  • Review and revisit goals and objectives
  • 3.1 Well planning, design and operational – ‘Physics, People, Plant, Process, Productivity/Loss and Well Integrity assurance Class discussion
  • 3.2 Well plant (rigs), systems and equipment systems -Workgroup exercise
  • Work group WG4: Optimising well hazards/risks -Case studies to be provided by participants or handed out in this session.
  • Work group WG4: Summary and close out discussion
  • 3.3 Managing ‘lost time’ optimal delivery assurance -Individual exercise
  • Work group WG5: How to reduce loss in well operations -Exercise to discuss how to reduce loss/waste in well operations
  • Work group WG5: Summary and close out discussion

Day 2

Well Problem Solving Opportunities

  • Review and revisit goals and objectives
  • 2.1 Managing loss/waste, metrics and controls well projects -Workgroup discussion
  • Work group WG2: Loss control ‘recognition, analysis’ -Group study using customers’ existing data or case study data provided
  • Work group WG2: Analysis work group exercise
  • Work group WG2: Summary and close out discussion
  • Work group WG3: Loss control identification, determination and evaluation -Use findings from previous session to now identify prevention/ change opportunities areas for loss/waste reduction or elimination
  • Work group WG3: Complete workgroup exercise

Day 4

How to learn from well failures

  • Review and revisit goals and objectives
  • 4.1 How to SEE the difference in well operations – Enhance ‘Safety, Efficiency and Effectiveness. -Managing lost time ”MLT ™” and the 5 elements of success
  • Work group WG6: 5 MLT methods to deliver wells success
  • Using data and findings developed from day 1-3, MLT methods will now be applied to conclude how to reduce ‘loss and waste’ in future well projects
  • Work group WG6: Summary and close out discussion
  • 4.2 How to investigate, translate and sustain learning for ”things that go wrong” in well projects -Introducing ”Latent cause analysis” LCA™ methodology
  • Work group WG7: Latent cause analysis (case study exercise) Introduction group exercise of how to learn from ”everything that goes wrong”
  • Work group WG7: Summary and close out exercise


This experience is suited to anyone in an onshore/offshore well operational or support role. The workshop training is an extension of loss control methods and principles developed in the 1960's in steel mills. This format was adapted by other industries e.g. Aviation, Automobile, Transportation, Railroads, and Maritime businesses. Learn how this has evolved and is applied in well operations.



Peter Aird

Your Instructor

Peter Aird, with a remarkable 43-year journey in drilling leadership, well engineering, and consultation, is truly a formidable force in his industry. His proficiency is most evident in the execution of intricate well drilling projects. Since 1998, Peter has been instrumental in creating and facilitating over 100 drilling educational sessions and workshops, reaching to over 35 countries internationally.

Recognised worldwide, Peter’s commitment to sharing his wisdom has sculpted a new generation of drilling specialists and extended the horizons of drilling technology. His career is synonymous with meticulousness, leadership, and a steadfast dedication to drilling and well engineering excellence. In 1993, he initiated Kingdom Drilling Services Ltd, a platform offering consultancy and training in well design, engineering, and drilling to renowned oil corporations like Shell and BP. He is a UK Chartered Engineer and boasts a master’s degree in drilling engineering. Peter has been actively involved in drilling ventures since 1987, and consistently devotes his time to training others, further spreading his wealth of knowledge.

Peter Aird

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